Wednesday 27 December 2017

How to know touch your smartphone using don't touch my phone Android app

It obvious is not everyone that likes it when others touch their phone without their permission, however if you have been looking for ways to know who Touch your phone in your absence, Don't Touch my phone application is here to save you from the stress. Well, on this article I'm going to tutor you on how to know who touch your smartphone using don't touch my phone app. 
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Anyways, this amazing application can help keep your phone safe for intruders by ringing an alarm whenever someone touches it. now you don't need to worry about anyone uses your smartphone in your absence without you knowing, because this application uses motion to detect when someone Touches your phone.
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However, despite the fact that this application can detect whoever that touches your phone, it can not tell between you and other so it likely to ring an alarm when you touch it too. But I think it still a great idea to use because it can protect and let you know when anyone touches or trying to steal it,
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Well, some intruders will try to act smart by turning the phone off when the alarm is ringing so that you won't know they touch, however you don't need to worry about that, because this application takes a secret photo of anyone that touch your phone without them knowing and sent it to your Gmail address together with GPS location, it also has a gallery storage where it saves intruders picture, the coolest thing about this application is that is doesn't have a delete button were intruders can delete the photo it snaps out of your phone, so for that reason you will always see the photo of anyone that touches your phone, but even if they delete directly from your phone gallery, you still get to see the pictures in your Gmail. Anyways, without wasting mush time let's get started with the tutorial shall we!!


  • It easy to use
  • It lite
  • It has a smooth UI interface.
  • It let you set custom alarm sound as the alarm Ringtone.
  • It let use lock the alarm with pin code
  • It can protect your phone from intruders
  • It takes pictures of anybody Who is trying to unlock your phone without your authorization and a lot more.


  1. Firstly held to Google play store and install don't touch my phone applications, once done.
  2. Launch the app, click on menu, then intruders selfie gallery, click next and Grant screen overlay permission, once done, click next and Give the application device administrator permission to detect failed unlock attempts.
  3. Then you have to set up your email, to do this input your email address twice in the space provide and tick (send GPS location of your device) once done, click next a pop up will appear (allow don't touch my phone to access this device location) just tap allow and turn on your device location.

Now when ever someone touches the phone, it will ring an alarm to let you know, it will also take a picture of anybody who touches the phone, which you can see in the intruders selfie gallery of app or your Gmail.


That is how to know who your smartphone, I guest, now, you don't have to be afraid of people getting into your smartphone privacy or trying to steal it, whenever you are sleeping, not holding it, Charging it in a public place because you can now easily know the intruder that touches or trying to steal your smartphone with don't touch my phone app. However, the free version of this app contain ads so you need to purchase the paid version to get rid of the ads.


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