Monday 27 November 2017

Blackberry: The Most Trending Mobile Company in Future

If you see a lot of time on this topic, you may be surprised Blackberry is still there. The company collapsed when the BlackBerry left the market. But behind the scenes, he has entered the automotive industry. It is also a leading provider of mobile security for our politicians, military and large corporations.

BlackBerry: The Most Essential Mobile Company in the Future?

As we enter the era of a smartphone becoming a master key, the security of these things becomes a critical weakness as the machines around us connect, the number of mobile phones increases and the lives in our hands grow.

If hostile groups can control only a small part of the organisation to see autonomous vehicles, the possibility of losing their lives at the national level may make other natural or man-made disasters a trivial one.

I spent the last day in New York BlackBerry analyst activities, and I think the company is more important to our future than Apple. I think this is more important than what Apple is aware of.

I will explain and then close my product: a robot dog that you can not buy yet, but it can protect your home better than a real dog. This also shows why we need to pay more attention to safety than we currently are.

1. Our smartphones are becoming more and more virtual to us. Many of us take action on them and communicate with them, who change our wallets and credit cards. Some of us lock their home and car. If current trends continue, we need a cell phone to access our bank accounts and medical records, which will be virtual for us.

2. The problem is that if our cell phone is compromised, others may suddenly have the same control over us as all of us. Through this power, one can not only control but also reject one's own. We could wake up one morning but could not do anything with us, get into our car or even go to work. If we happen in the absence of us, we will not be able to return home.

3. With the virtual features, we can delete and replace numbers. Today, it costs about $ 250,000 a year to get a secure identity after being stolen, but in times of uncertainty, we may be blocked by our resources to restore our identity.

4. Given the growing tendency to work remotely and perhaps never to meet the people we work with, and to easily scan and clone images, it is not hard to imagine a growing problem becoming homeless - or worse, losing Life - because they are deprived of what they need to survive.

Blackberry and Apple

Protect these things is done by the BlackBerry. The company is still the most concerned about this issue, the products and services are the most commonly used. I am convinced that the government is not getting more exposure because they seem to constantly break the security of phones like iPhone and do not realize that the small crimes they are trying to solve may lead to many other crimes.

The government has been unable to protect itself, so if government officials get the keys to each phone call, the enemy agents and criminals will do the same.

The government tends to think tactically, and no single company (not Apple or Google) can hold the government long. They have too much power. To date, Canada is more reasonable in this regard. Blackberry security outside Apple or Google can prevent unimaginable dangers that Apple and Google can not.

BlackBerry may be a more important reason for us, and it may be like Apple and Google because of the company, as we move into the future of smartphones. Although movies, games and beautiful phones are good, I tend to be self-reliant, and my property and loved ones have a higher value.

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